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Stats counter

It provides an intuitive counter for some stats to be used on FrontSlidesSelected. This component is designed to incrementally count up to a specified value

For example


# Dynamic stats
Here is our data

<div class="justify-center flex flex-row ml-auto mr-auto">

<Stat Count={128}>Label 1</Stat>
<Stat Count={256}>Label 2</Stat>


It automatically tracks the slides and resets the counter if needed.

Source code

Copy and paste this into an input cell


StatCounter[Text_, OptionsPattern[]] := LeakyModule[{
cnt = 0,
}, With[{
ev = CreateUUID[],
HTMLCounter = HTMLView[cnt // Offload],
max = OptionValue["Count"]
EventHandler[ev, {
"Destroy" -> Function[Null,
If[task["TaskStatus"] === "Running", TaskRemove[task]];

"Left" -> Function[Null,
cnt = 0;

"Slide" -> Function[Null,
If[task["TaskStatus"] === "Running", TaskRemove[task]];
task = SetInterval[
If[cnt < max, cnt = cnt + 1,
, 15];

<div class="text-center text-gray-600 m-4 p-4 rounded bg-gray-100 flex flex-col">
<span class="text-md"><Text/></span>
<SlideEventListener Id={ev}/>
] ]

Options[StatCounter] = {"Count"->1};